
Celebrating the Wonderful World of Books

23rd August 2022

Students and staff in the 番茄视频 Grammar Junior School will spend a week immersed in literature to celebrate BOOK Week 2022: Dreaming with Eyes Open. Students and teachers will be involved in daily classroom activities and a whole-school Book Week parade on Tuesday, 24th August.

Head of 番茄视频 Grammar Junior School, Mr Don Thompson, said that a key objective of every school should be to encourage young Australians to read for pleasure.

鈥淢any people are concerned about the impact of digital information, including TV streaming, social media, and console gaming, is having on the reading habits of young Australians.

鈥淭he Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) data indicates that Australia has had a 12 point drop in Reading performance over the past 10 years or so and has dropped from 6th to 12th in international OECD rankings. For this reason, our school has been working hard over the past 5 years to make reading a key focus for students in a world where they have a multitude of distractions.

鈥淭hese things particularly impact teenagers, and we have a precious opportunity with Primary aged students to set good habits and instill a love of reading for pleasure, which is why initiatives such as Book Week are so important.鈥

鈥淎ll educators are aware of reports of Australia鈥檚 school literacy levels lagging behind those of other countries. At home and in schools, we need to work hard to ensure that books remain an appealing, relevant and rewarding part of young people鈥檚 lives,鈥 Mr Thompson said.

As well as daily book activities that will take place during lunchtime in the Junior School library, the following is a summary of some of the literacy activities that 番茄视频 Junior School students will enjoy during their Festival of Literacy:

Monday: Favourite books will be read and discussed with children by their classroom teacher and by students from the 番茄视频 Senior School.

Tuesday: The much-loved Book Week parade will take place with children and staff dressed as their favourite book characters. (See photos from the parade below)

Wednesday: Workshops with the Bendigo-based author, artist and illustrator, Mr Chris Kennett.

Thursday: Book 鈥渟peed dating鈥 classroom activity, where students share their thoughts on a favourite book with as many friends as possible within a 1 – 3 minute timed format.

Friday: A Book Week and Festival of Literature reflection will take place in each classroom.

鈥淥ur Junior School English teaching team and librarians have worked hard to make our Festival of Literature as engaging and fun as possible for the students.

鈥淚t is impossible to overstate the importance of making sure children are good readers. Today鈥檚 young people are tomorrow鈥檚 legislators, educators, politicians, writers, tax-payers and voters.

鈥淏y inspiring young people to read for pleasure, we are helping to produce better-educated citizens, with improved employment prospects, likely to make a greater contribution to society.

鈥淚t is vital that we develop the next generation of writers and illustrators to fuel the creative industries and support a culture of storytelling through future generations,鈥 Mr Thompson said.